I have been wanting to do this post for a while, but I just didn't know where to start! I think most photographers can agree with me that photography is more than just a job, it's a passion. I see things as if I am looking at it through a camera lens. So I am always pulling over on the side of the road and taking snap shots. Which is great material for my blog, but my wife HATES it! It makes our road trips twice as long! But I digress. Since I got my brand spanking new Motorolla Droid Phone, I have been just obsessed with taking snap shots on the go. It's nice if I can bring my big 'ol SLR camera with me everywhere I go, but at times it's just not practical. So after browsing through almost all the available applications, I decided on a simple application called FxCamera for Android.
The program is absolutely free and I just love it! The vignetting (on soft setting) is great. It doesn't give you that mom-pop-wedding-portrait-with-oval-vignetting look (yes, I just made that up), and the Toy Cam setting, my favorite, gives you that cool, I am just too artsy-fartsy for you look. There is also a fisheye setting and polaroid setting. I am not such a big fan on the fisheye setting because it's wayyyyy too distorted. But the polaroid setting is pretty cool, I just choose not to use it.
Another great point-n-shoot type of camera that was recommended to me is Rocoh GR Digital III. It has a fast lens at f1.9, and fixed focal length at 28mm. It's just small enough that you can carry around without looking like a photographer.
Here's a snap shot I took while driving around in the neighborhood. If you live in southern california, you know we've been pounded by the rain the last week. The sun finally decided to come out and play today so I took this shot that showed the overhead power lines, blue sky, and the snow covered mountain. I hope you like it!
here's another shot