Wednesday, December 30, 2009


what a year it has been! 2009 will go down in history as the year that I decided to take the plung and start my own photography business. So far it has been a rewarding and challenging road. Trying to balance between my full time job, family life with two young toddlers, and my passion for photography has definitely been interesting to say the least. What had originally started out as a serious hobby has become a passion and a budding business endeavor. And I am so grateful for all the people that have made it possible. Eveybody from clients, photographers I admire, friends, family, and of course I couldn't have done it without the support of my wife who has been with me every step of the way. She has been the voice of reason, my critic, and the waitress who serves me a slice of humble pie once in a while! I want to also thank my wife for putting up with my time away from family so I may pursue a passion and nurture it into a thriving business (hopefully!)

Here are some of my favoriate images from this year. Some have been posted on the blog before and some are brand new. It's a mixed bag of a little bit of everything. Enjoy!

Melocoton Family Portrait Session

McKindley Family Portrait Session

The Getty Center

My kids at The Getty Center

M 4 year old's first portrait of mommy

Favorite shot from Amy/Patrick family portrait session

Lauren's 2nd year portrait

Sath Family Portrait Session

Montalvo Family Portrait Session

Goodwill Family Portrait Session

Ally's 4th year portrait

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